Parish Mission Statement
A Prayer for the Parish
Parish Giving
Our Ministry Team
Vicar / Minister
Reverend David Willsher
Contact Details
Parish Office
Lynette Willey
Contact Details

Lay Minister
Brenda Sang
Lay Minister
Pamela Ferrar
Lay Minister
Christine Sheahan
Lay Minister
Noelline Anderson
Alan Swanwick
Parish Council
Lynette Willey (Parish Secretary)
Contact Details
Parish Council
Paul Willee
Parish Council
Parish Council
Parish Council
Helen Trigg
Parish Council
Bible Study / Fellowship groups
For the Lent Course and Bible study groups please contact: Revd David
The parish mission statement
‘called to know and worship Christ, love and care for one another, and serve the community in God’s name’
This helps provide direction for all worship, mission and service activities.
A Prayer for the parish
O Lord God, by whose love we have been brought into the fellowship of your Church:
Help us we pray, to worship you in spirit and in truth,
to serve you with unselfish love, and to give generously for the extension of your Kingdom,
that we may be true members of your Church, and that we may worthily proclaim your Son, Jesus Christ,
and convey his life to all, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Parish Giving
The regular giving of a part of our income to God’s work is a significant part of our devotion to God. The parish of the Bellarine has two preferred options for regular giving. To keep your contribution confidential please ask the parish office to allocate you a giving number, a unique number used to identify your giving should you like it to be applied to your Direct giving or giving envelopes.
For those who wish to give by giving envelopes these are available though the parish office. The yearly set of giving envelopes are dated for each sunday of the year and also have your Unique giving number on then. Simply place this in the offering bowl during the service (usually during the Hymn before Holy Communion).
For those who wish to give by internet banking or Direct Deposit the Bellarine Parish Banking details are:
Name: Bellarine Anglican Parish General Account
BSB: 633 108
Account no: 162 510 358
If you bank has a space for comments you might like to write “Offering (then your Unique giving number) or your name”
You may like to set this up to happen automatically every week, fortnight etc.