Baptism Weddings Funerals


Christian Baptism is a very important commitments in a persons life. As such it is not just an event that is done, but is rather a part a commitment to God and a community of faith. The community of faith also make promises of support to you.

Often in the Anglican Church this is done as an infant with adults (Parents and Godparents) making promises to God on their behalf. When the person Baptised is old enough to make those promises to God for themselves they come for conformation and those promises are affirmed with the regional Bishop a great day of celebration. Infant Baptism is then in these two parts, the Baptism followed with Confirmation.

As the Baptismal promises include that you will by prayers and example encourage “the Baptised” in the life and faith of the Christian community it is requested that you join our worshiping community for worship or show that you regularly worship in another Christian Church.

If this is all new for you that is OK. Our first step is to meet and watch a short video explaining Baptism a little more and getting to know each other and the steps involved and expectations. Please contact the Vicar for more information and a time to meet. The Melbourne Diocesan web page with more information is found here.


We welcome your enquiry for a Christian wedding. The Anglican Diocese of Melbourne web page has more information here. To be married making a commitment before God about a lifelong partnership is a very special and spiritual service. As part of our support to you we lead you through a very helpful marriage preparation course Prepare-Enrich. Committed couples gain a deeper understanding of dynamics, personality, stress and strength and growth areas for a lasting relationship.

Please contact the Vicar for more information and a time to meet and discuss your plans and dates.


The death of a loved one is a very difficult time. We are please to be able to support you and your family with the provision of a christian funeral. Please contact the Vicar for more information and a time to meet to discuss your individual situation and how we can best support you. If you would like to prearrange a funeral or just make enquires please feel welcome to contact us for a chat as well.

The Anglican Diocese of Melbourne web page has more information here.