Contemporary Worship (5pm in Drysdale)

We will meet every week at 5pm Sundays at St James in Drysdale. This service is a great opportunity for those looking for a less traditional worship setting. Our focus is on contemporary worship songs and biblical teaching in an interactive format. We are currently looking together at the book of Peter’s letters. Services are lead by either Revd David or some of our Lay Ministers.

Worship music is recent songs mostly 10 years old or less, a sample of songs is below. Song with lyrics are projected onto a screen for us to praise God together in song. Prayers, and words for our worship will also be on the screen to make it easier for all to be a part of our worship together.

Some of the Songs we sing are listed below if you would like to become familiar with them.

10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)
A Thousand Hallelujahs
Alive & Breathing
Battle Belongs
Crown’s (Hillsong)
God So Loved
Great Things

Hallelujah For The Cross
In Christ Alone
King Jesus (Hillsong)
Living Hope
Lord I need You
O Praise The Name (Anástasis)

So Will I (Hillsong)
This Is Amazing Grace
Today Tomorrow And Forever
What A Beautiful Name
Who You Say I Am