We have mid week of fellowship groups at each of our locations. A time to meet others, have a cuppa, pray, reflect on the Bible readings for last Sunday together, and have a look at the next Sunday readings.
Sunday on Tuesday meet on Tuesday evening 7 to 8pm to pray, reflect on the Bible readings for last Sunday together, and have a look at the next Sunday readings.
A KYB Know Your Bible group meets on Tuesdays, please contact us for more information.
A group meet at St Leonards in the Church hall on Thursday mornings to pray, reflect on the Bible readings for last Sunday together, and have a look at the next Sunday readings.
Please note that some of these groups will have a break over the Christmas new year time.
If you would like to know more or join a group near you please contact Revd David bellarineanglican@gmail.com or mob 0400 434 273.
The Grace Course

We have used the “The Grace Course” twice in the parish.
Please let Revd David know if you would like to do this course in the future.