St John’s Anglican Church 11-15 Brown St Portarlington VIC 3223
Our Sunday Worship at St John’s is at 9am. You are most welcome to join us for traditional Anglican worship with Holy communion from the prayer book. The sermon is based on the lectionary readings set for the Day. We sing hymns from Together in Song accompanied with singing and recorded music. We do like a time of reverent silence before the service. We have a time of fellowship over a cuppa after the service. Holy Communion is celebrated each week with bread and wine (The Communion wine is provided in individual Cups or from the Chalice, depending on your preference).
Our 10am Tuesday Service is simpler worship with no singing usually the third order Holy Communion Service from the prayer book. The sermon is a bit more interactive and informal than on Sundays. We have a time of fellowship over a cuppa after the service.