St Paul’s Anglican Church, 10-12 Dudley Pde St Leonards 3223.
Currently meeting at Sts Philip & James, Catholic Church (Murradoc Rd, St Leonards).
Our Sunday Worship for St Paul’s is at 5pm every Sunday. You are most welcome to join us for traditional Anglican worship from the prayer book, though a bit more relaxed in style. The sermon is based on the lectionary readings set for the Day. We sing hymns from Together in Song accompanied by recorded music or piano.

Tragic News

St Paul’s Church and Hall has suffered significant fire damage on Thursday 28th November 2024. The damage is so significant both the Hall and the Church will be demolished. St Paul’s had been our place of worship in St Leonards since 27 January 1915 (just short of 110 years)
Please join in prayer for all those who have worshiped and served in ministry in this Church. Please also join with me in prayer for the young people who have now been charged with arson, and their families. Revd David.

Fortunately a small number of pieces of furniture have been saved, there are also plans in place to retain the Church Bell. We do plan to rebuild and continue our ministry in St Leonards as part of the Bellarine Parish.
Sts Philip & James, Catholic Church (Murradoc Rd, St Leonards) has been incredibly generous in inviting us to use their Church while we make more permanent arrangement.
Our Nine Lessons and Carols with crib service is ongoing as is our Christmas and weekly services.